10 Transformative Tips to Ignite Your Church's Passion for Global Missions

We have seen a lot of fruit at our church in terms of sending some families long-term to the unreached, people being envisioned for global missions, growing as global Christians, etc.

However, at the same time, it feels like a large swath of the church is unengaged and disinterested in reaching the nations and don’t really care about being involved.

So, hearing the similar challenges that others are facing in mobilizing their church and listening to their ideas is a wonderful help to people like myself. It’s a reminder that we are not alone and that we are all in it together!

This heartfelt reflection from a fellow missions pastor captures a reality many of us face.

While there is undeniable fruit in our ministries, there’s also the challenge of engaging the broader congregation in God’s mission to the nations.

If you’ve ever wrestled with this tension—celebrating wins while yearning to see more hearts ignited for global missions—you’re not alone.

Mobilizing a church to embrace the Great Commission can feel overwhelming, but the good news is, we don’t have to navigate it on our own.


  • we can share wisdom,

  • learn from one another,

  • and take practical steps to spark a deeper passion for missions

    in our churches.

In this post, we’ll explore 10 transformative tips to ignite your church’s passion for global missions.

These are practical strategies designed to

  • address challenges,

  • inspire engagement,

  • and ultimately draw more people into God’s redemptive work among the nations.

Let’s dive in and discover how we can bridge the gap between where our churches are and where God is calling them to be.

1 - Acknowledge Church Members' Challenges and Invite Participation

Recognize that members of your congregation may feel overwhelmed, unsure, or even indifferent about their role in global missions. Speak to these struggles with empathy, and remind them that missions are God’s invitation to all believers—not just a select few. Encourage even the smallest steps, affirming that their participation has eternal value in advancing God’s Kingdom.

2 - Share Stories of Transformation that Inspire and Mobilize

Paint a vivid picture of God’s work through missions, using stories of lives changed—both in your congregation and on the mission field. Highlight testimonies that illustrate how stepping into God’s global purpose has brought spiritual renewal and joy. These narratives help make missions more relatable, especially for those who haven’t yet connected with the bigger picture.

3 - Connect Global Missions to Personal Faith Journeys

Teach that missions is not an isolated activity but an integral part of discipleship. Show how engaging with missions strengthens personal faith, enhances understanding of God’s character, and aligns believers with the Great Commission. Missions is not "extra credit" for the Christian life; it’s a core expression of following Jesus.

4 - Offer Clear, Simple Onramps for Engagement

Reduce the intimidation factor by providing accessible ways for members to get involved. Suggest practical actions such as joining a prayer team for missionaries, attending a missions workshop, or starting with small financial contributions. By lowering barriers, you open the door for broader engagement.

5 - Begin with Local Cross-Cultural Outreach

Bridge the gap between the local and global by emphasizing opportunities to connect with diverse cultures in your own community. Encourage participation in ministries serving international students, refugees, or immigrant populations. These experiences often serve as a springboard for deeper involvement in global missions.

6 - Foster Personal Connections with Missionaries

Facilitate relationships between your church members and the missionaries you support. Opportunities like Zoom calls, letters, or hosting missionaries during furlough can make global missions personal. When people know the faces and stories of those they’re supporting, their passion for the work often grows.

7 - Utilize Short-Term Missions Trips for Long-Term Impact

Organize short-term trips that not only serve immediate needs but also disciple participants. Use these experiences to deepen members’ understanding of global missions and their personal role in it. Structure trips to focus on partnership, learning, and long-term relationship-building rather than one-time projects.

8 - Address Myths and Fears About Missions

Dispel misconceptions such as "missions are only for the extraordinary" or "it’s too dangerous." Equip your congregation with a biblical understanding of missions, highlighting the diversity of ways people can serve and the protection that comes from obedience to God’s call.

9 - Emphasize the Joy Found in Joining God’s Mission

Showcase the abundant joy and satisfaction that come from being part of God’s global work. Use examples from your own journey or those of others who have found deeper faith and fulfillment through missions. Highlight the transformation that happens not only in the lives of those reached but also in the lives of those who engage.

10 - Create a Culture of Prayer and Dependence on God

Anchor your church’s missions efforts in prayer. Organize regular prayer gatherings focused on missions and integrate global intercession into weekly services. This practice fosters a heart for the nations and reminds the church of its dependence on God for the fruitfulness of its efforts.

Mobilizing your church for global missions is a journey filled with both challenges and joys.

As we’ve explored these 10 tips, I hope you’ve found practical ideas and fresh inspiration to lead your congregation into deeper engagement with God’s heart for the nations.

But remember, you’re not alone in this work.

Just as the missions leader quoted at the start shared, connecting with others who face similar challenges is invaluable. It’s a powerful reminder that we’re all in this together—learning, growing, and cheering one another on as we strive to fulfill the Great Commission.

That’s why I want to invite you to join the Leaders in Missions Community (LMC).

The LMC is an online space created just for missions pastors and leaders like you—a place to share ideas, find encouragement, and collaborate with others who understand the joys and struggles of mobilizing a church for missions.

Together, we’ll learn how to lead well, grow deeply, and thrive in this calling.

The waitlist for the community is now open!

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this supportive and transformative group. Click the button below to join the waitlist, and let’s take the next steps toward mobilizing our churches—together.


What has God called me to do this year?


3 Ways Community Transforms Missions Pastors